John Hunt



Phone: +1 8704601466



Dr. John Hunt is a professor of Biology here at PT电子. He is also the chair of the Pre-Professional Committee.

“The classes I currently teach include Introduction to Biology, Principles of Biology I and II, Evolution, Comparative Anatomy, Mammalogy, Environmental Science, Climate Change, and Anatomy and Physiology II, along with the appropriate laboratories.  In the past, I have taught Zoology, Biology Seminar, Natural History of Vertebrates, and several special topics courses including Biogeography, Desert Ecology, Marine Ornithology, Advanced Evolution, and numerous field biology courses.”

“My research interests include feeding ecology and conservation of desert game birds of the southwestern United States and conservation and ecology of mammals in the southeastern United States.”

“My favorite part of this job is seeing students accepted into post-graduate programs, then watching them make the world a better place.”
